movement is medicine

Revitalize Your Fitness Routine with HIIT and Open-Air Exercise: The Benefits of Group Exercise in Stellenbosch

Rudy van Breda
20.03.23 02:55 PM Comment(s)

Meet Anna. She's a busy working mom who is always on the go. Between her job, taking care of her kids, and running errands, finding time to exercise can be a challenge. But Anna knows how important it is to take care of her health, so she's always looking for ways to fit in some physical activity.

One day, Anna discovered high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and outdoor exercise. She was intrigued by the idea of short bursts of high-intensity exercise alternated with periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. And the idea of working out outside in the fresh air and sunshine sounded appealing too.

Anna started incorporating HIIT and outdoor exercise into her fitness routine and quickly saw the benefits. Here are some of the benefits she experienced:


Anna loved the fact that HIIT was a time-efficient way to exercise. She could fit in a quick 10- or 20-minute session during her lunch break or after work. And even though the sessions were short, she felt like she got a great workout. She could feel her heart pumping and her muscles working hard.

Anna also noticed that HIIT helped her burn more calories than other forms of exercise. She was able to lose weight and feel more toned and strong.

But it wasn't just about the physical benefits. Anna found that HIIT helped improve her mental health too. After a HIIT session, she felt energized and invigorated. And the rush of endorphins she got from exercising made her feel happier and less stressed.

Group exercise:

Anna found that doing HIIT in a group setting was particularly motivating. She joined a group exercise class called Prime Open-air in Stellenbosch, where she met other like-minded people who were also looking to improve their health and fitness. The group setting helped her push herself harder and stay accountable.

Outdoor Exercise:

Anna also enjoyed exercising outside. She loved feeling the sun on her skin and the wind in her hair. And being surrounded by nature helped her feel more calm and centered.

Exercising outside also helped her get a natural source of vitamin D, which is important for strong bones, a healthy immune system, and overall health.

Anna found that outdoor exercise helped her reduce stress and boost her self-esteem. And the varied terrain, like running on hills or jumping over rocks, helped improve her balance and stability.


Anna also appreciated that she could do outdoor exercise without having to go to a gym. She could go for a run or a hike in a nearby park or nature reserve, or even do a HIIT workout in her own backyard. The open-air setting helped her feel more connected to nature and less confined than when she exercised indoors.

Anna was thrilled with the benefits she experienced from incorporating HIIT and outdoor exercise into her fitness routine. She felt stronger, healthier, and happier. And even though she was still busy, she was able to find time to take care of herself and prioritize her health.

If you're like Anna and struggle to find time to exercise, consider giving HIIT and outdoor exercise a try. You might be surprised by the benefits you experience too! And if you're in Stellenbosch, check out Prime Open-air group exercise class to add some extra motivation and accountability to your fitness routine.

Rudy van Breda