movement is medicine

General tips and tricks

Blog categorized as General tips and tricks

Healthy Habits for a Successful and Productive Day: A Guide to Starting Your Mornings Right with Prime
This blog post from Prime shares essential habits for a healthy morning routine, including hydration, movement, and mindfulness. Start your day off right with these practical tips to promote overall health and productivity.
How to keep the habit of exercise for the rest of your life
Wrong motives lead to short-lived habits. We need to have the right reasons for exercise from the start. This post will help you start training for the right reasons.
Five ways to remain disciplined when starting your fitness journey.
We all know that starting a new fitness journey can be daunting, and often we slowly start compromising on the goals we have set out to achieve. This post will help you to identify these areas early and get things in place to prevent your discipline from slipping.